ready to connect?
We can’t wait. Get in touch with our team about a potential project, partnership or just to give us a shout out on how you think we’re doing. We’re going to finish this cup of coffee and get back to you soon.
We can’t wait. Get in touch with our team about a potential project, partnership or just to give us a shout out on how you think we’re doing. We’re going to finish this cup of coffee and get back to you soon.
Industry insights. Smart blogs. And just a bit of fun.
We love our website, but let’s face it – nothing beats an old-fashioned convo. Reach out, and we’ll contact you soon to keep things going.
Was your dream internship derailed by COVID-19? Or maybe you’re just someone who wants to keep learning about advertising, all year long.
No matter what your summer plans are, L&S Ad Camp can be a part of them. We’re sharing valuable, real world info you won’t learn in school with our Virtual Advertising Boot Camp. Choose from online lessons and assignments in account service, copywriting, media, design, digital and consumer insights. It’s a great way to learn industry insights from the comfort of your own sweatpants.
Sign up with your email to get on-demand access to every lesson and activity, along with a fun little badge that’ll look great on your resume.
Hi! I'm Ryan, and I head up our business development team at L&S. I love meeting new people and helping clients succeed. Fill out the form, and I'll be in touch soon.
As creative problem solvers, there’s nothing we love more than tackling business challenges. We’d love to hear about your marketing goals and how we can help.
L&S is a pretty rad place to work. But don’t just take our word for it. See all of our perks and open positions. Or, if you’re ready to apply, share some info below.