5 things you need to know about L&S

  • 12.01.21
  • 4 Min Read

Maybe you’re wondering what an internship at L&S looks like or maybe you’re contemplating applying for one. Either way, I’ve got the insider information you’re looking for. Hi, my name is Bree, and I just finished week one of my copywriting internship at L&S.

Starting something new can be really intimidating. Excitement, fear, hesitation—I had a million emotions coursing through my veins when I first walked through the door. What I didn’t expect was to feel so welcomed and valued on my first day. Sitting on my desk was a binder with everything I would need to know, a box with L&S gear just for me and a MacBook already set up for me to use.

With that being said, I’m sharing five things I’ve learned this first week in hopes that I can prepare future interns with a little insight.


My first impressions of Lawrence & Schiller are good ones. Not only are all the people I have met wonderful, but every day has been an exciting, new adventure. I have gone to team meetings, learned about current campaigns, skimmed through past campaigns, shadowed other disciplines and read lots and lots of emails. I started off my week running with some copywriting tasks. I have also gotten the chance to meet the company bear. You heard me right: Barry sits on the far south side of the building in his cowboy hat ready to give anyone a snuggle. Although everyone here is busy shaping various campaigns, they are still able to joke around and enjoy their workdays.



I can’t tell you how many questions—like where the bathroom is—I have asked this week. Even on the simplest of tasks, I wanted to make sure I was doing what was expected of me. Every person I talked to encouraged my curiosity and was more than willing to help in any way they could. Many of them explained to me the importance of being inquisitive in advertising, admitting they too are constantly asking questions. Long story short, ask the question even if you think it is foolish.



Let me take you on a little journey through the office. First, we have Matt’s desk, complete with a groovy lava lamp, a picture of Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation and a Trojans football helmet. Next, we have Mariah. Mariah’s desk is contemporary and chic with pictures of her family and a huge disco ball. Finally, we have Roberta’s desk. A 2-foot blow-up giraffe, an assortment of fun stickers and various other trinkets call Roberta’s desk home. The point is, when you start at L&S, you’re encouraged to personalize your space and express yourself. It’s an easy way to let others know a little bit about you while also creating a space that you feel comfortable in.



One thing I learned the very first day was the importance of flexibility and organization. There are so many steps and details that go into every project here that employees have to roll with. Fast, upcoming due dates and client preferences keep everyone on their toes, yet the environment stays fun. How do they do this? Flexibility from everyone working on a project and intensive organization seem to be the answer. Make sure to stay flexible with your schedule in case something comes up and spend time learning the in-and-outs of organization so you and your peers can access things easily.



As Nick Miller from the sitcom New Girl once said, “I’m not convinced I know how to read, I’ve just memorized a lot of words.” This is what I told myself the first couple days because I was a bit overwhelmed with what my first week entailed. When I started to write my personal biography for the L&S website, I had some major writer’s block. Once I took a break to walk downstairs and fill my water bottle, I came back and wrote it all in one sitting. It was all in my head. My advice to you is to give yourself some grace because everyone here knows that you are learning and trying your best.


Hopefully this information helps solidify how awesome Lawrence & Schiller is. I’m no expert, but I can say with confidence that you will enjoy your internship if you are willing to step outside your comfort zone and get your hands dirty. My first week was gratifying and challenging, and I would anticipate yours will be, too.

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