Dress to Impress: Interview Fashion 101
- 10.16.18
- 3 Min Read
“What do I wear?” One of the toughest parts of any job interview is the only question you address to yourself. Not only is your outfit key to making a good first impression, but it’s also a statement about how you want to be viewed as a professional. Before you dive into your closet, read up on the most common wardrobe dysfunctions our Ad Camp veterans see from students. If you can learn from these, you have a great chance you’ll put your best (dressed) foot forward.
It takes all types to make the world go round and that’s never truer than at L&S. Not surprisingly, the type of discipline you’re pursuing determines what you should wear. Be sure to keep that in mind when picking your interview outfit (if you need a refresher on the disciplines here’s a handy link). For example, creatives can leave the suits and ties at home. A nice shirt and even some jeans (without holes) will do. You’re welcome. Business casual or business professional clothing will do for most other disciplines. Remember, it doesn’t cost a single cent to Google “business casual” and see if your outfit matches up.

Let your personality show, just don’t blind us with it. It’s tempting to want to show just how “creative” you can be, but standing out with your personality is better than an obnoxious outfit. Try to keep crazy colors and patterns to a minimum and avoid pants with holes in them. Accessories and jewelry are also great ways to show some spunk, but they should never be distracting. Same goes for perfume or cologne. A good thought to keep in mind is “What professional image am I trying to portray?” Getting attention isn’t a bad thing, you just want to stick out in the right way.
It’s important to be comfortable at an interview, literally and figuratively. Maybe those shoes do look amazing, but is it really worth it if they’re pinching your toes? To project confidence you have to be comfortable in your own skin and in your own threads. Interviews are all about being yourself, which is easier to do when you’re relaxed.

Now isn’t the time to resurrect your favorite sweater that shrunk in the wash. Avoid ill-fitting, tight, or sloppy clothing like the plague. It doesn’t matter how fly your suit looks if it doesn’t fit you. Try on your outfit a few days in advance and get a third-party opinion from a friend. They’ll be far more likely to point out something you didn’t notice. It also never hurts to have back up clothes ready. It’s mostly for peace of mind, but can come in handy if coffee attacks your khaki pants on the ride here.
Always wear a smile! Cliches aside, remember to have fun. Seriously. Represent yourself well and treat this not only as an interview but a learning experience. You might just have a little fun while you do it.