Is a Cover Letter Worth It?

By Kristy Laue
  • 11.03.18
  • 2 Min Read

Dear Applicant,


We hope this blog finds you well. Which is kind of weird to say, since you’re the one who found this blog. Either way, we know what you’re wondering: does anyone even read cover letters anymore?

The truth? Some employers don’t. But many still do, and a well-crafted cover letter might be the one thing that pushes them to call you back and learn more.

Cover letters matter for a few reasons. First, you can only say so much in a resume. The purpose of a resume is to show your experience, skills and education. But your cover letter has a different job. It’s there to show your personality and passion. A great cover letter tells a story about your motivation, drive and the unique perspective you’ll bring to the company. And in an industry that’s all about storytelling, that’s pretty valuable.

Think of it this way: you’re not just writing a letter to a hiring manager. You’re writing a mission statement for who you are and why you belong here. Use your cover letter to share your voice, talk about your unique talents and show that you’ve done your homework on the company.

We see a lot of cover letters at L&S. And the best ones grab our attention with humor, sincerity, personality and a hook – the real reason you’re applying to the agency and know you deserve a spot here.

So in summary, cover letters are worth your time – if you’re willing to spend time writing a good one. Yes, pay attention to grammar and spelling. But then be interesting. Be surprising. Write the letter you’d want to read out of a pile of 50.

Once you’ve done that, let us read it. To find a career with L&S, send us your cover letter and resume here, or learn more about our internship opportunities.




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